Monday, January 30, 2012

Courtauld Collection 012912

This painting was done by Lucas Cranach (he often painted portraits of Martin Luther) in 1526. So, that is one year after the Peasants' War and also the one year after  Luther married Katherine von Bora. The note next to the painting indicated that Cranach and his workshop painted this scene at least 50 different times.
I am captivated by the images in this Garden of Eden scene. It is as the text says, "and it was good!"

Today I visited the Courtauld Collection at the Somerset House. Some galleries allow you to take photos while others don't. The Courtauld is one that allows non-flash photos.
I see a great deal of similarities between this painting and one at the National Gallery called,
"Cupid Complaining to Venus." Check out the link to the painting at the NG.

to check out more of the photos I took today visit


1 comment:

  1. RTG, the painting brings back great memories when we visited the Courtald Collection. You must be having a great time. I look forwad to hearing stories about your adventure and your learning's!
